Total Colleges and Total Seats available for B. Tech. Food Technology Study in Nepal

There are in total 11 Colleges under TU for B. Tech. Food Technology Study in Nepal under TU among which 1 is Central College and the other 10 are affiliated colleges.

Therefore, there are in total 288 seats available every year in these 11 Colleges of TU for B. Tech. Food Technology Program Study in Nepal.

The List of Colleges under TU for B. Tech. Food Technology Program Study in Nepal along with Seats available in those respective colleges is available below:

Also, the Biotechnology program is offered by Purbanchal University (PU) in Nepal. Various Colleges of PU offer Biotechnology Programs such as:
1. B.Sc. (Biotechnology)
2. B.Tech. (Biotechnology)
3. B. Tech. Food Technology
4. B. Tech. Dairy Technology

A list of Colleges under Purbanchal University for Biotechnology programs with available seats is available below:

1. Himalayan WhiteHouse International College (HWIC), Putalisadak, Kathmandu: B. Tech. in Biotechnology, 48 Seats

2. College of Applied Food and Dairy Technology (CAFODAT), Kumaripati, Lalitpur, B. Tech. Food Technology, 48 Seats

3. College of Applied Food and Dairy Technology (CAFODAT), Kumaripati, Lalitpur, B. Tech. Dairy Technology, 30 Seats

4. SANN International College (SANN), Kathmandu, B.Sc. (Biotechnology), 40 Seats

5. Kantipur Valley College, (KVC), Kumaripati, Lalitpur B.Tech. (Biotechnology), 48 Seats

The Entrance Exam for the Biotechnology program is similar to the Ag, Vet, and Forestry Entrance Exams of PU. In Fact, there is a single entrance exam for All these programs and no separate entrance exams program-wise. So you can practice Ag, vet and Forestry Model Exam set available in Help For Entrance for PU Biotechnology Entrance Exams.

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