Phylum Arthropoda


· Mosquito is a two-winged insect (also housefly and fruit fly). · The common genera of mosquito are: A. Culex (body held parallel to the surface while sitting) B. Aedes (= Stegomyia) ( body held parallel to surface while sitti…


Periplaneta americana · Cockroaches belong to the class Insecta of the phylum Arthropoda . · Two species of cockroaches commonly found in India are  Periplaneta americana and Blatta orientalis. · T…


· H. Stannius and Von Seibold coined the term Arthropoda  (Arthros = jointed; podos = legs). VVI Examples to Remember of Phylum Arthropoda for Entrance Exams of Nepal are: Peripatus (The connecting link between Annelida and…

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