Details About UGC Scholarship Seats in BSc Ag and Forestry of AFU

UGC Scholarship seats are special scholarship seats other than Normal Scholarship seats in AFU funded by the Government of Nepal for BSc Forestry and Ag (not sure about veterinary till now).

These are extra scholarship seats and Other Normal scholarship seats are still there as in previous years. Any student from Government Schools/Colleges or Private can apply for these seats.

Seats of UGC Scholarship in AFU:
A. Forestry - 10 Seats
B. Ag - 50 Seats

You can choose any of these while Admission Counselling:
a. Want to study in UGC Scholarship seats only and not in Normal Scholarship seats.
b. Want to study in Normal Scholarship seats only and Not in UGC scholarship Seats.

So you don't have to decide while filling out the Online form to choose UGC Scholarship seats or Not.
Also, the Entrance Exam for Normal Scholarship seats and UGC Scholarship Seats are the same, no separate Entrance Exams.

Terms and Conditions for UGC Scholarship Seats:-
1. Original Certificates of Students studying under UGC Scholarship seats will be kept in University for 7 years (4 years study and 3 years Job) and will not be available to students.

2. Students studying in UGC should work for the government for 3 years after completion of study in any area inside Nepal sent by Government. The government will provide a salary of an Officer level (Adhikrit Level) for 3 years, about NRs. 40,000. This Job is fixed for 3 years only and not certain after, it may resume or not. 
Also, you can't join Masters's program or go abroad for these years while working under Government. And Your Bachelor Completion certificates from University will also be available to you after completion of 3 years Job only.

3. No fee is taken by University from Students studying in UGC Scholarship seats. A 4-year study at AFU is completely free and no need for an Admission fee too. 
Also, in addition, the Government of Nepal provides NRs. 6000 to each and every student monthly for 10 months a year for expenditure of fooding in the University.

4. A separate extra document is required for UGC Scholarship seats from all the students. Any student from a Government school or Private school can apply for UGC Scholarship seats. A separate document needed is to be made from Municipality. You can just change your name and make the document the same as this sample.

UGC Document Sample, प्रतिबद्धता पत्र - Click Here
(This is required to apply for UGC Only, not for normal scholarship seats. This document is required at the time of Admission only, not for filling out the Online Form.)

Some Merits and Demerits of UGC Scholarship Seats:-
1. You will get a Job after study completion, no need to search for a job. You will get a salary of NRs. 40,000 for 3 yrs per month.
Also, the job may continue after 3 yrs but it's not sure yet.
2. You will study at AFU for 4 years for free, completely free, with no need to pay a single penny.
Also, the government pay you NRs. 5,000 monthly for 48 months, 4 years during the whole course.

1. You can't continue your Masters's study after your Bachelor's completion for 3 years until the job.
2. You can't go abroad for these working 3 years.
These UGC Scholarship seats were started by the Government of Nepal because many students now go abroad, like the US, Israel, Philippines, and Australia after BSc Ag Completion in Nepal.
So decide for yourself whether to study or not in UGC Scholarship seats.

Details about UGC Seats in Nepali:-

विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोगको (UGC) लागत साझेदारीमा दक्ष प्राविधिक शिक्षण जनशक्ति विकास कार्यन्वयन कार्यविधि २०७५ को परिच्छेद २ को छात्रवृत्तिमा छनौटको आधार देहाय बमोजिम छ:
(क) नेपाली नागरिक,
(ख) अध्ययन गर्न चाहेको विषय, तह र विश्वविद्यालयमा भर्नाको लागि आवश्यक न्यूनतम मापदण्डहरु पूरा गरेको,
(ग) अध्ययन पश्चात नेपाल सरकार, शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालयले खटाएको जुनसुकै स्थानमा गई न्यूनतम ३ वर्ष सेवा गर्ने प्रतिवद्धता पत्र, स्थानीय तहको निजलाई आफ्नो पालिका अन्तर्गत प्राविधिक शिक्षा सञ्चालित विद्यालयमा कार्य अवसरको सिफारिस सहितको प्रतिबद्धता भएको,
(घ) अन्य निकायबाट दोहोरो पर्ने गरी सुविधा प्राप्त नगरेको,
(ङ) छनौट भएका विद्यार्थीहरुले अनुसूचि १ को ढाँचा अनुरुपको कबुलियत गरेको,
(च) अध्ययन अवधिभर र अध्ययन पश्चात ३ वर्षसम्म भर्ना भएका विद्यार्थीहरुको सक्कल प्रमाणपत्रहरु सम्बन्धित विद्यार्थीहरुलाई फिर्ता गरिने छैन । साथै नयाँ प्रमाणपत्र पनि ३ वर्ष पछि प्रदान गरिनेछ ।

छात्रबृत्तिमा छनौट भई भर्ना हुने विद्यार्थीहरुको लागि मासिक निर्वाह खर्च रु.६,०००।- (अक्षरुपी छ हजार मात्र) को दरले प्रति वर्ष १० महिना बराबरको रकमअध्ययन अवधिभर शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालयले उपलब्ध गराए बमोजिम उपलब्ध गराईनेछ । साथै अध्ययन अवधि पुरा गरिसकेपछि खटाईएको स्थानमा नगएको खण्डमा उक्त रकम फिर्ता गर्नु पर्नेछ ।

Also, You can watch our Video available below for DETAILS about UGC Scholarship Seats of AFU for Agriculture and Forestry Study
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